Criss-Cross Applesauce

This is just a song me and the kids made up over the years.  It started with just the first verse about breakfast, then gradually more verses got made up for lunch and dinner, and finally dessert.  I can't describe the tune.  I need to write down the words because it would be terrible if I forgot them...

Criss-Cross, Applesauce

Piece of blueberry pie

Maple syrup on French Toast, Pancakes piled high

Hot Home Fries, Matzoh Brie, these things I like the most

Eggs and Bacon, Oatmeal, Waffles, Stack of Jelly Toast


Criss-Cross, Barbecue Sauce

Piece of Pizza Pie

Fish and Chips and Grilled Cheese, Ham and Swiss on Rye

Sloppy Joes, Beef Tacos, Macaroni Cheese

Hamburger with French Fries, pass the Ketchup, please.


Criss-Cross, Tomato Sauce

Piece of Shepherd's Pie

Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy on the side

Honey-baked Ham, Leg of Lamb, Tuna CasseRRRRRROOOOOLLLE  (you have to really roll the R and hold the note there)

Grilled Chicken, London Broil, Fried Filet of Sole.


Criss-Cross, Chocolate Sauce

Piece of French Silk Pie

Hot Fudge, Banana Split, Whipped Cream to the sky

Angel Food Cake, goodness' sake, a Rainbow Sherbert Dream

Cream Puff, Eclair, Baked Alaska, Scoop of Peach Ice Cream.