Looky my plate: that's the first salad harvest of the season. Lettuce, spinach, beet tops, arugula, radishes and chive flowers. It feels so good to eat green again, I didn't even mind flicking the little slugs off the leaves.
Anyway, the kids have five days left of the 30 Days With No Screens Challenge. Have I mentioned this? It happened innocently enough at the dinner table when Jeeps asked Panda and Red how long they thought they could go without screens. "A week?" he mused.
Redman snorted. "That's easy, I could go...I could go like twenty days, Dad."
Panda's eyebrows flew off her forehead but JP put his chin in his hand and pressed. "What about a month? You two go a month without screens, I'll give you a hundred dollars."
Cha-ching. And like that the agreement was drawn up—electronic stimuli forsaken, hands were shaken, blood oaths taken. No screens for a month: no TV, no computer, no iPad, no iTouch, no Wii. We brainstormed alternative ideas for entertainment and the kids taped up signs reading "NO!!" on all the temptations.
All went well for the first five days, then Redman started to break down and jones badly for his Metro North clips on Youtube. He's definitely found it hard. Panda has had surprisingly little complaints, although once I walked through the living room and saw her quickly jettison something aside on the couch that looked suspiciously like the iPad. She beat a hasty retreat out the back door with her Barbies and I let it go. Also, during a recent shopping trip, I was trying on shoes and Panda was wilting. I sat her down in an aisle of Payless and gave Special Dispensation to use my phone.
All in all it's been eye-opening to watch them get back into toys and other diversions. I only wish the weather were nicer lately because they will happily spend hours outside. Thank God today it started to clear up and the temperature reached 80. We had a couple hours to play and putter around before dance class. Redman covered the driveway with chalk drawings, and we girls picked bouquets: