Moments in Time: Soul Kitchen


You have the one woman who bursts through your heart’s front door like a surprise guest and holds captivating court at the party raging in the frat house of your youth.

Then you have the woman who sneaks in the back door and quietly starts puttering around your soul kitchen. Years could go by before you realize how long she has been residing within you. Until one day when the party is over and you stumble through the empty, stale, smoky detritus of your living room. Into the kitchen to find her at the stove, wearing your bathrobe or your t-shirt, her hair pulled back and a dishtowel thrown over her shoulder.

She is making miracles with your meagre pantry, smiling with indulgent patience as you shakily sit down, pour a cup of coffee and hope she will never leave…

photo credit: Tolga Eren
Creative Commons